DeepDiag Solution


Damage detection

3D model generation

Car data analysis

Our software is made up of a set of features such as : Damage detection, 3D model generation and car data analysis.

Thanks to its Artificial Intelligence, Steer helps you detect all the exterior car damage. By uploading few car images, our AI will analyze the images and give color the damages based on their severity

Get a more realistic experience and benefit from a 180° view thanks to our 3D model generation.

We also provide you with a complete and detailed report on the condition of the car in its various aspects.

DeepDiag Solution


Our software is made up of a set of features such as : Damage detection, 3D model generation and car data analysis.

application template

Damage detection

Thanks to its Artificial Intelligence, Steer helps you detect all the exterior car damage. By uploading few car images, our AI will analyze the images and give color the damages based on their severity.

3D model generation

Get a more realistic experience and benefit from a 180° view thanks to our 3D model generation.

Car data analysis

We also provide you with a complete and detailed report on the condition of the car in its various aspects.

car graph
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Visual intelligence

Our software technology provides insight to the automotive industry

DeepDiag Solution


Our software is made up of a set of features designed for car professionals. Our main features are : Car damage detection, 3D model generation and car data analysis.


DeepDiag Solution

Damage detection

Thanks to its Artificial Intelligence, Steer helps you detect all the exterior car damage. By uploading few car images, our AI will analyze the images and give color the damages based on their severity

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car damage

DeepDiag Solution

3D model generation

Get a more realistic experience and benefit from a 180° view thanks to our 3D model generation.

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DeepDiag Solution

Car data analysis

We also provide you with a complete and detailed report on the condition of the car in its various aspects.

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car analysis graph

Our paperwork services

We relieve you from the administrative tasks

Purchasing Contract

Get your contracts done faster and easier than ever! « Feature name » offers a fast & efficient way to generate contracts with just a few clicks, using our advanced feature. No more spending hours on paperwork, no more hiring expensive lawyers. Get legally compliant contracts and save time today !

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Request for financing

Are you looking for financing to help fund a project or grow your business? Request for financing with us and get the best rate in the market. Our process is simple, fast and secure with our expertise, we can help you find the perfect financing solution just right for you!

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Car registration

Looking for a simple, hassle-free way to register your car? Look no further! Our website allows you to easily generate your car registration documents. Just submit the required information and get your documents in no time!

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car registration

Digital marketing & CRM :

Unlock your digital potential and maximize your ROI



Struggling to effectively reach your audience? We have the perfect tool for you ! Our Multidiffusion is here to help you reach and engage more audiences with its powerful multi-channel diffusion capabilities allowing you to reach a larger, more diverse audience.

white-labeled website

White-labeled website

Get ahead of the competition with our white labled website and create a custom brandedwebsite that reflects your brand and allows you to showcase your products and services inan attractive and interactive way with our mobile-friendly design tools.

CRM integration

CRM Integration

Looking to streamline your customer relationship management? Our platform helps businesses to efficiently integrate their CRM system with other services allowing them to easily view, manage, and analyze customer data in one place. Get more accurate insights and make better decisions in order to maximize customer satisfaction.

Car pricing

car pricing

Car details

Input the specific details of your vehicle such as the make, model, and year of production, as well as technical specifications such as mileage and condition so we can accurately identify your car.

Artificielle intelligence

Using data mining and historical pricing data, our AI can identify market trends, demand patterns, and other factors that can affect the value of your vehicle.

Car pricing

After our AI has analyzed your car details and market trends, we provide you with a pricing estimation based on accurate and up-to-date data that helps you make informed decisions when you are selling your car.